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God will provide!

A young preacher was invited to speak at his first conferance next to a seasoned veteren. The elder preacher noticed how nervous the young man was before his turn behind the pulpit. The older preacher said, "Do not worry, friend. God will provide."

The younger preacher responded, "But sir, you dont understand. I've never preached at a conferance before."

The older preacher responded, "God will provide."
The younger said, "I was so nervous I even forgot my Bible and sermon notes at home, and I can't remember anything!"

The older preacher said, "Here, take my Bible and remember God will provide."

So the younger preacher stood behind the pulpit and preached the most wonderful sermon, with alliterated points and practical illustrations and applications. After which he stepped down to hand the Bible back to the older preacher who was beat red in the face.

He said, "Young man, you stole my sermon notes for tonight."

To which the younger preacher responded, "God will provide."

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My reaction
by: Anonymous

I am preaching my first sermon on tomorrow and I love this story. I think that I will use it to "break the ice".

by: Pastor voola

I have enjoyed this joke.

by: Anonymous

lol that was hilarious i was actually stuck couldnt think of what to preach on this sunday... after praying about this situation i picked the computer up and this story popped up, and i new i needed this to intorduce my sermon so i hope u dont mind i gotta use this :)

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