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Pastor Anniversary Speech

You've been asked to give a pastor anniversary speech ... now what?

It's an honor to speak about your pastor on behalf of the congregation...but it's a little intimidating too!

Do you want to know the number one key to giving a good pastor anniversary speech? Here it is...

Be you.

That's it.

You've been asked to give this speech because people respect you... they trust you to say what they would say if they only knew what to say!

The truth is, you can stutter and forget some of what you wanted to say. But people will still appreciate it...your pastor will appreciate long as you are sincere, real, and you.

The following steps will help you give an excellent pastor anniversary speech.

If you need more help, I wrote a pastor appreciation sermon and included it in my Pastor Appreciation Workbook.

Step 1: Plan Ahead

Ask people in your congregation for stories about your pastor. Ask for both funny and serious stories. Ask them what they appreciate about him or her. Write the stories out on separate pieces of paper.

Once you have your stories, choose an appropriate scripture passage for your pastor anniversary speech.

Step 2: Create an Outline

You might use an outline similar to this:

I. Introduction
Today we are celebrating the third anniversary of Pastor Smith's first Sunday at our church...

II. Stories that show what kind of person your pastor is.
Jane Johnson reminded me of the time when Pastor Smith ...
Greg Thompson told me that ...
I remember when Pastor Smith ...

III. Tell how your church has been positively affected by your pastor.
When Pastor Smith first arrived here, we were very discouraged ...
When Pastor Smith arrived our attendance was ...
Since Pastor Smith arrived we've been able to expand our children's ministry ...

IV. Read and discuss the pastor anniversary speech scripture you chose.

V. Conclusion
I know I speak for our entire congregation when I say that we are honored to be pastored by a man like Pastor Smith. Our hope and prayer is that our partnership with him will continue for years to come.

Step 3: Practice

Practice your pastor anniversary speech out loud. Rehearse in front of your family or even your dog. Get a feel for how long the speech will last.

Cut out or add a story or two to shorten or lengthen your pastor's anniversary speech.

Step 4: Plan Other Parts of the Service

After your speech you might want to present your pastor with a pastor appreciation gift. You might even want to include a skit either before or after your speech.

Then you could conclude with a prayer of commitment and/or a song.

No matter what else is true about your pastor anniversary speech, remember the number one rule.

Be sincere ... be real ... be you.

If you do that, everyone will appreciate your pastor anniversary speech.

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