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My-Pastor Minute, Issue #006 - Pastor Appreciation Month
October 08, 2007
1,500 pastors leave their churches every month in the United States because of conflict, burnout, or moral failure. Help keep your pastor from becoming part of that statistic. Use every available resource to encourage, support, and partner with your pastor. This ezine, My-Pastor Minute, and give you a good start toward effectively ministering to your minister.


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Date: October 8, 2007

Issue Number 006

Table of Contents:

  • Pastor Appreciation Idea: Pastor Appreciation Month
  • Gift Idea: I Never Met a Book I Didn't Like
  • Whats New at Write Your Own Pastor Tribute


Pastor Appreciation Month

October is the official Pastor Appreciation Month. And if you want to get technical, many churches will celebrate Pastor Appreciation Sunday on October 14th - the second Sunday of the month.

So what are your church's plans for Pastor Appreciation Month?

It's not too late to develop a good appreciation program, outing, or service.

Take a look at some of these pages to give you some ideas:

If you're not on the church leadership team then you probably don't have a lot of say in the official pastor appreciation festivities. But there are still a lot of things you can do as an individual. Read the following pages for some ideas:

  • 52 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor
  • How to Pray for Your Pastor
  • Give a Pastor Appreciation Gift

  • It's never too late.

    Start today!


    A New Pastor Gift Idea: I Never Met a Book I Didn't Like

    Well, OK, there are a few books that I probably don't like...but I bet they would still look good on my shelves!

    Years ago I was driving around Chicago with another pastor. All of a sudden he blurted out that he could "smell a bookstore." Sure enough, after looking around, we found a bookstore a few blocks away.

    What can I say ... pastors love books! So you can never go wrong giving your pastor a gift certificate from a good bookstore.

    ChristianBook Gift Certificates


    What’s New at

    Write Your Own Pastor Tribute

    I have a little form now that you can use to write a free pastor tribute. You can also upload a picture of your pastor. The process is easy. After I review your submission, your tribute with picture go up on a page all of its own. Then people are invited to add their comments to your page.

    Click here to write your pastor tribute.


    Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!

    Thank you for your ministry to your minister.

    Dan Sherman
    Michigan, USA

    If you have questions, ideas, or wish to be removed from my mailing list, please reply directly to this ezine email.


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