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Pick a Card........ Any Card

by Diana
(Houston Texas )

Get some cards, index cards maybe, and use them as vouchers/coupons, that the Pastor can redeem for different things, and each card redeemed will be fulfilled by a particular congregation member (get volunteers). For instance a voucher for a free car wash, a free lawn cut, a free oil change, a home cooked meal....etc. but each church member will be the one to fulfill each voucher. So get a few church members to put their name on each voucher and whenever the Pastor needs a car wash he can pick that card and whoever's name is on that particular card, that person will volunteer to do the task on that card. They will be the one to wash his car, or change his oil, or clean his house, or cook a home cooked meal..etc.....there can be more than one card for each thing. Maybe make it a weekly thing, then there would be 52 cards(52 weeks in a year) or maybe a monthly thing 12 cards (12 months in a year)..etc... it can be anyway you choose it to be, depending on how many volunteers you have.

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by: Micaela

This idea is great. In the current state of our economy, this helps address the members of the church who may not have much money to donate but they do have time and talents they can use to say thank you to the pastor. Simply Marvelous!

Great Idea
by: janet

I think this is a wonderful idea. Our Pastor is always there for us. This is a great way to give back to him and his wife,in many ways. Thank you for such a clever idea.
GOD Bless you

What a wonderful idea!
by: Vickey

What a brilliant idea! You usually have many talents in your church such as accountants, air condition repairman, mechanic, etc. Or even just cooking a meal or mowing the lawn. I know our pastor stays so busy and I can?t think of a better gift to give him and his wife to show them how much we appreciate them.

Pick a Card..any card!!! Awesome!!
by: Anonymous

This idea is awesome it has opened instead a can of worms, a can of "can do's" for my Pastor who is always helping the needs of his people as well dedicated 100% to his people, surely will use this for our pastors tribute day.

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