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My-Pastor Minute, Issue #010 - Ministering to Your Hurting Pastor March 12, 2008 |
1,500 pastors leave their churches every month in the United States because of conflict, burnout, or moral failure. Help keep your pastor from becoming part of that statistic. Use every available resource to encourage, support, and partner with your pastor. This ezine and
give you a good start toward effectively ministering to your minister.
***************************************************** If you find this e-zine, helpful, please feel free to forward it to your friends. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the About My Pastor page on my site. ***************************************************** Date: March 12, 2008 Issue Number 010 Table of Contents:
***************************************************** Pastor Appreciation Idea: Ministering to a Hurting PastorPastors are supposed to be strong for everyone else. But who will be strong for them when they experience a loss or hurt in their life? In our years of ministry my wife and I endured two miscarriages, a failed adoption, severe burnout, serious church conflict, hospitalizations and serious illness of family members.These, of course, are major hurts. There are many lesser hurts as well - challenges we all face. When someone receives bad news from a doctor, your pastor is there. When a loved one dies, your pastor supports you. When your spouse has surgery, your pastor encourages you. But who does this for your pastor? I'd like to take the next two My-Pastor Minute newsletters and share a little from a pastor's perspective so that you will be able to better minister to your pastor and family when they are hurting. Next month I will give some basic ways you can help. But before you can help, you need to know when your pastor is hurting - and he or she won't always announce it from the pulpit. How Can You Tell When Your Pastor Is Hurting?
Every pastor is different and every church is different. So there is no perfect way to find out if your pastor is hurting. But when you do discover that your pastor and/or his family is in pain don't leave it to someone else to minister to him. Take action yourself and invite others to join you in your ministry to your minister. Next month I will share a few ideas on how to effectively minister to a hurting pastor. ***************************************************** A New Pastor Gift Idea: A Book for a Hurting PastorHelp your pastor minister through and from his own hurts. Buy him a copy ofThe Wounded Healer ***************************************************** What’s New at issue of My-Pastor Minute was inspired by the turmoil my family is currently experiencing. Chief among our "hurts" is a close relative who is being ravaged by cancer. Because of this, I haven't had a chance to make any significant changes to the web site.However, in my "spare" time I did start building a new web site called, Topical Bible Verses. It is a source of verses arranged by subject - everything from graduation bible verses to verses about nose rings. Take a look:
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think! Thank you for your ministry to your minister.
Dan Sherman
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