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Can I Translate a Poem into Spanish?

by Jasmin

Can I translate a poem from into Spanish?

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Conditional Permission
by: Editor -

I have had various requests over the past few months for permission to translate parts of this site into other languages. Here is my official response: You have permission to translate the articles and poems from this site as long as you abide by the following rules.

1) You may translate content that I have personally written. Some of the articles and many of the poems on my site were written by people other than myself. I cannot grant permission to translate these.

2) You may not translate or use any content from this site on any other web site unless I grant you individual permission otherwise. You must contact me directly before you use any content from this site on any other web site.

3) You may not translate or use any content from this site to earn money. The content here is dedicated only to helping congregations better find, appreciate, and support their pastors. It is offered freely with no strings attached.

4) If you use a poem or article from My Pastor, please acknowledge the source with the name of the author and the web site address. For example,

by Dan Sherman

Please abide by these rules when deciding whether you may translate or use content from

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